Before I Ride Brightline Florida… Here’s Some Comparisons

Before I Ride Brightline Florida... I wanted to take a look at some city pairs and compare them with the frequencies given by Brightline’s Miami-Orlando service. You can’t reason with capitalism when it comes to sensibility, though I do realize a train line is more than just building the line these days. NIMBY’s, bureaucracy, and corruption all fill the receipts with astronomic numbers when it comes to rail projects, so I will provide some more factual data alongside these routes including; distance between each pair, price of service, and the aforementioned frequency of the line. 

Now I must say Brightline’s Florida service, which is the only one of theirs in operation at the moment (sans their not-yet-finished LA-Las Vegas line), runs their Orlando-Miami service once every hour between two cities that are about 237 miles apart. More frequent service is offered on the Miami-West Palm Beach during the service’s busiest hours. For a standard class Miami-Orlando tickets; it is about 80 bucks roundtrip, which is not bad considering my Saratoga Springs, NY-Burlington, VT once a day service ticket cost about $60. Now let’s do some comparisons with lines Amtrak, or otherwise from around the country. Shall we? 

Brightline’s Orlando-Miami Service, Florida (237mi by car) 

$80 Roundtrip/Day Pass Ticket // 16 Times Daily

**Major Populations**

Miami, FL 

West Palm Beach, FL 

Orlando, FL 

Rail Runner’s Santa Fe-Albuquerque Service, New Mexico (96mi by car)

$10 Day Pass Ticket // 14 Times Daily

Santa Fe, NM 

Albuquerque, NM 

Las Lunas, NM 

Amtrak Acela Corridor Service, NE US (440mi by car) 

$90-$120 Roundtrip Ticket (I hate Amtrak’s pricing system) // 20 times Daily

Boston, MA


Washington DC 

GOTrain’s Regional Service, Ontario, CA (103mi by car) 

$10 Day Pass Ticket // Around 50 Times Daily

Hamilton, ON 

Toronto, ON 

Oshawa, ON 

CalTrain’s Regional Service, California (86mi by car)

$15 Day Pass Ticket // Around 50 Times Daily

San Francisco, CA 

Palo Alto, CA 

Sunnyvale, CA 

Amtrak’s Wolverine Service, Michigan/Illinois (285mi by car)

$40 Roundtrip Ticket // 3 Times Daily

Chicago, IL 


Detroit, MI 

Amtrak Hiawatha, Illinois/Wisconsin (92mi by car) 

$25 Roundtrip Ticket // 14 Times Daily

Chicago, IL 

Racine, WI

Milwaukee, WI 

Amtrak Lincoln/River Runner Service, Illinois/Missouri (510mi by car) 

$60 Roundtrip Ticket // 1 Time Daily 

(2 Times on St. Louis-Kansas City service a la Missouri River Runner)

Chicago, IL 

St. Louis, MO 

Kansas City, MO

Amtrak Cardinal Service, Ohio/Indiana (110mi by car) 

$40 Roundtrip Ticket // 2 Times Weekly 

Cincinnati, OH 

Indianapolis, IN

Next I have come up with some fun city pair routes that need to come back in service! 

Possible Amtrak Cleveland-Columbus Service, Ohio (142mi by car) 

Cleveland, OH

Akron, OH

Mansfield, OH

Columbus, OH 

Possible Amtrak I-25 Corridor Service, Colorado/Wyoming (212mi by car) 

Cheyanne, WY 

Ft. Collins, CO 

Denver, CO 

Colorado Springs, CO 

Pueblo, CO 

Possible Amtrak Ohio Valley Service, Ohio/Kentucky/Tennessee (274mi by car) 

Cincinatti, OH 

Louisville, KY 

Bowling Green, KY 

Nashville, TN 

Possible Interstate Thru Route, Texas/Oklahoma (484mi by car) 

San Antonio, TX 

Austin, TX 

Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX 

Oklahoma City, OK 

I just pray to jesus that when I do ride the Brightline a Florida person won’t run their car into the train. The train operates hovering around the 100mph mark. Knowing my luck though,


SOO Line Profile


Cincinatti, Dayton, & Ironton (CD&I) Railroad