Brightline West Prepares To Break Ground in Vegas //
Listen I’m all for high speed rail, but for this to be useful Brightline and officials need to implement and integrate it with the city. In my opinion, I’ll be surprised if they can. LV is a car centric mess.
Site plans from 2020, when the project was approved by Clark County, call for the project to encompass 273,000 square feet of land. The station is expected to be two stories tall, with a seven-story parking garage.
The first floor includes plans to feature a self-ticketing area, departure lobby, retail and office space, and a baggage claim area. The second floor would feature retail and office space, a passenger waiting area and a security office.
Plans call for work on the rail line to begin sometime in the next year, with hopes of operations beginning sometime in 2027. #transit #train #rail #hsr #lv