Plans To Expand Cincinnati’s Streetcar //

PRESS RELEASE // CINCINNATI (WXIX) - ‘Conversations are happening among local stakeholders and elected leaders about the future of Cincinnati’s suddenly thriving streetcar system, including an extension of the current line or even an entirely new loop uptown. 

“The next step is to get the uptown loop functional,” Cincinnati City Council member Jeff Cramerding said, adding an extension of the current line could follow or proceed independently.’

*courtesy of WVXU - Cincinatti, OH

Cincinnati’s streetcar had a record ridership year in 2022, so to keep the ball rolling expansion planning and coordination is key. Now… LETS FINISH THAT SUBWAY YOU ABANDONED IN 1927!

*as of June 23, 2023


Columbus, Montana derailment  


Omaha Streetcar Update 🚊