Syracuse Stoplight Switchup //

An Irish neighborhood in Tipperary Hill, Syracuse, NY got pissed that stop lights had ‘British’ red at the top and ‘Irish' green at the bottom, so much so in fact they broke the lights on the traffic signal with rocks that they dubbed “Irish confetti”. This is said to have continued happening over and over again as the city tried in vain to keep the stoplight in working order. Located at Tompkins St. & Milton Ave. this stop light reversal also has a faded shamrock painted on the street below.

On one corner of the intersection, you’ll find the Tipperary Hill Heritage Memorial. This memorial honors the Irish immigrants that lived in the neighborhood and, in the eyes of the community, stood up to the city and the state for their Irish pride.

The focal point of the Tipperary Hill Heritage Memorial is a life-size statue of an immigrant Irish family. They are depicted looking towards the red-over-green stoplight with the father pointing towards the light in pride.

#stoplight #syracuse #ny #infrastructure


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